Youth Transition to Adulthood
One of our focus areas within special education is helping students aged 14-22 understand and advocate for transition planning and services. Transition planning and services are provided by the school and other state agencies like the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVRS), to help students prepare for adult life after high school. It can include things like vocational training, structured learning experiences, and life skills training.
How we help:
Disability Rights New Jersey has developed a Transition Planning Tool to help students create a transition plan for their IEP that reflects their future goals. ASPYIR (Accessing Strategies to Prepare Youth for Independence and Responsibility) is an interactive self-assessment tool that asks students about their likes, dislikes, interests, needs, strengths, and preferences related to three core areas of development: education, employment and independent living.
Their answers will generate a document to help prepare them to advocate for themselves with their schools or other agencies to get a transition plan for services they want and one that meets their needs. They can bring the document to IEP meetings, or meetings with state agencies, to refer when developing a transition plan and requesting services. Employment, education, and independent living are at the center of ASPYIR. Self-advocacy, motivation, and other skills and responsibilities needed to be ready for their futures are also addressed.
Disability Rights NJ assists students by explaining their rights, walking them through the online planning tool, reviewing and discussing their results, offering ideas on how to use those results in multiple ways and providing additional advice and counsel on other educational, and vocational, concerns.
Transition is a necessity for students with disabilities. It prepares students for graduation and life after high school. Without transition, students are not equipped for a successful future that includes a path for school, work, and life. ASPYIR is an accessible approach to transition planning. Students, this is your opportunity to take the lead.
Graduated Youth Under 22
Disability Rights NJ assists youth who have graduated from high school work with the Vocational Rehabilitation Offices as they join the workforce or pursue further education or training. This includes helping clients with advice, counsel, and representation connecting with the VR agencies, as well as assisting through the development and implementation of the Individualized Plan for Employment.
Youth 14-22 years old Interested in Comprehensive Transition Programs (CTP)
Disability Rights NJ has been advocating with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation regarding sponsorship for the Comprehensive Transition Programs at universities in New Jersey. These programs are designed for students with Intellectual and developmental disabilities who need additional transitional support after high school before transitioning to the workforce or college. Youth who are considering these programs are encouraged to contact Disability Rights NJ to discuss their rights, how to connect with the Vocational Rehabilitation Offices, and how we can support you on your journey.
Know Your Rights
A student has the right to reasonable accommodations at college and at work under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504).
A college or university may not discriminate against an individual solely based on disability. The school must provide reasonable accommodations to the student’s known disability. These accommodations must give the student an equal opportunity to participate in the school’s programs, activities, and services. This includes everything from the classroom to extracurricular activities. The ADA and Section 504 provide students with disabilities powerful protections from discrimination.
The ADA also requires individuals with disabilities be given accommodations on the job. As an employee, the individual must be able to complete the job tasks expected on the job. However, if the individual needs assistance to complete the tasks, they can ask the employer for a job accommodation or a change in their job that will help them complete the job duties requested. An employer does not need to provide the individual with exactly what they request but does need to provide the individual with an appropriate accommodation to meet their needs on the job.
For more information about Section 504 click here.
For more information about the ADA click here.
Additional information about transition planning and transition services can be found in the New Jersey Transition Toolkit on the NJDOE Website. The New Jersey Transition Toolkit is designed to assist students with disabilities and their families, along with school staff, to prepare students with disabilities for entry into a successful adult life after high school.