May 10, 2024
Disability Rights NJ was honored to be a statutory member of the NJ Task Force on Long-Term Care Quality and Safety (Task Force) charged to make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature that will expand home and community-based long-term services and transform nursing homes through person-centered care models.
For more than 15 months, the Task Force diligently worked through the many important issues and came to consensus in issuing its recommendations contained in the report that can be found here.
Disability Rights NJ is particularly proud of the radical change the report calls for, emphasizing policies which support home and community-based services first, as well as recognizing the dangers of large, hospital-like nursing homes with multi-person rooms. We also applaud the task forces recognition of the value of family-caregivers and direct support professionals, and the report’s recommendations for caregiver tax credits and professional recognition and compensation for workers.
The press release from the New Jersey Long-Term Care Ombudsman can be found here.