ASPYIR Transition Planning Tool
What is ASPYIR?
ASPYIR is an innovative, interactive self-assessment tool for transition-aged students and youth, ages 14 to 21 years, preparing to enter adulthood.
Why use ASPYIR?
ASPYIR puts YOU in charge of planning your own future.
ASPYIR is a planning tool for you, about you, and authored by YOU.
How does ASPYIR help YOU plan your transition into adulthood?
ASPYIR empowers YOU to take the lead on planning your future through a series of interactive questions that formulate a guide based on the answers you provide. The outcome is a document you can share at your IEP meetings, that can be used as a transition roadmap toward your goals for adulthood.
ASPYIR is easy to navigate. Be sure to read the directions, follow the prompts, and carefully consider your answer to each question. Your results can help you plan the next steps of your life.
You are just a click away from planning for your future!
For more information and resources for Students, Parents, and Providers about Transition Planning, click below to visit our Youth Transition To Adulthood page.