Information & Referrals
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), in conjunction with many other laws in place prior to the ADA, were put in place to provide protection from discrimination and to create a level playing field for people with disabilities when the disability becomes the reason for differential treatment. These laws are in place specifically to provide services and benefits to people with disabilities.
Information and Referral is one of the many services provided by Disability Rights NJ, and it is designed to equip people with disabilities, their family or friends with general information and appropriate resources to address matters which anyone may face, whether there is a disability present. Since these matters are often not directly related to the disability, they may not fall within the spectrum of issues handled by Disability Rights NJ. This information is provided for your convenience and to address some commonly raised inquiries. If you are a person with a disability, a family member or friend and need information, we encourage you to contact Disability Rights NJ.
As a person with a disability, you may have housing issues which are not directly related to said disability(ies) and may be unsure of where to turn for possible assistance.
For Landlord/Tenant matters involving eviction or disrepair of the unit you may contact
- Legal Services of New Jersey at the office for your area. You may find which office is nearest you at the following link:
- Community Health Law Project, and you may find the office for your area at the following link:
- Volunteer Lawyers for Justice 973-645-1955 or visit their website at
- Rutgers University’s Civil Justice Law Clinic which may assist with some housing issues. You may contact the clinic at 973-353-5576.
- Legal Services of New Jersey has a very extensive and detailed publication titled ‘Tenants’ Rights in New Jersey’ which covers all areas regarding tenants’ rights in NJ including breaking a lease should that be necessary. You may view the publication at the following link:
For Landlord/Tenant issues involving habitability of the unit such as no water, no heat, rodents and/or pests or structural problems, you may contact your local Health Department as well as the local Building Inspection and Code Enforcement. You may find the listings at the following links:
Seton Hall Center for Social Justice – Civil Litigation & Practice Clinic may assist with some Landlord/Tenant and other housing issues. You may reach that office at 973-642-8700, 973-761-9000 ext. 8700 or email at
Unit Modifications
Privately Managed/Owned Housing Complex
- Under the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), Fair Housing Act (FHA) a person with a disability may make structural changes to the unit they occupy to make it functionally accessible for their use and enjoyment. The management cannot stop the individual from making the modifications at their own expense but may require that the person with a disability return the premises to their original state when they vacate the unit. In addition, any shared public space must be made accessible so that persons with disabilities may use and enjoy these premises as all other tenants.
- To file a complaint for denial of reasonable modification as an accommodation with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights online at or with HUD-Fair Housing Equal Opportunity online at
Public Housing Entities
- Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title II, public housing authorities and other housing agencies receiving federal funds, state or local entities are required to make and pay for structural reasonable modifications, as an accommodation for individuals with disabilities. Complaints regarding denial of reasonable modifications as an accommodation may be filed with the NJ Division on Civil Rights online at with
- HUD-Fair Housing Equal Opportunity online at or the
- Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Disability Section online at
Social Security Issues
Social Security Administration’s website provides detailed information on the various programs administered through Social Security and have online forms to make the process to apply for benefits easier.
- Visit the Social Security Administration website to download or complete application forms for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits at or call their toll-free number 1-800-772-1213.
If you need help completing applications and do not have family or friends to help
- You may contact the Center for Independent Living (CIL) in your county for possible assistance. To find the CIL in your area, go to the following link:
- You may also contact the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) for other referrals at 1-877-222-3737 or visit their website at
If you have been denied SSI or SSDI benefits
- You may contact the New Jersey Legal Services office for your area for possible assistance. You may find the office for your area by visiting the website at or call their hotline at 1-888-575-5529.
- Community Justice Center at 609-218-5120 or at
- You may contact the Community Health Law Project for possible assistance. You may find the office nearest you by visiting their website at
- You may also seek private attorneys by contacting the NJ County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service for your county at or the
- National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) by visiting their website at
County Board of Social Services
Most Welfare Benefits programs are administered through each County Board of Social Services (CBoSS). If you are having a problem receiving or have been denied financial welfare benefits, food stamps or emergency rental assistance by the CBoSS the denial and reason should be provided in writing, and that letter will have information on how you may appeal their decision. You may call the following organizations to see if they may help in appealing the denial of services or provide alternate referral sources.
- Legal Services of New Jersey at their Hotline 1-888-575-5529 or visit their website to find the office in your county at
- Rutgers School of Law, Civil Justice Law Clinic at 973-353-5576 or visit their website at
- Community Health Law Project—visit their website to find the office nearest you.
- Center for Independent Living in your county. Find the office for your county at the following website.
- Community Justice Center at (609)218-5120 or at
Family Court Issues
Court matters involving any family situation, whether it’s divorce or custody issues, can be very emotional, strenuous, and complicated for all involved.
If you are seeking representation for an issue of divorce, child support or custody, you may contact the following:
- Community Health Law Project—visit their website to find the office nearest you.
- Legal Services of New Jersey at their Hotline 1-888-575-5529 or visit their website to find the office in your county at
- Volunteer Lawyers for Justice 973-645-1955 or visit their website at
- NJ County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service for names of private attorneys in your areas who handle family court matters. You may find the information for the office in your county at
- Rutgers School of Law, Civil Justice Law Clinic at 973-353-5576 or visit their website at
If you are seeking representation for issues involving the NJ Department Division of Child Protection and Permanency, you may contact the organizations listed above, and you may also be eligible for assistance from:
- Office of the Public Defender, Office of Parental Representation. You may find the regional office for your area by visiting the following link:
Seton Hall Center for Social Justice — Family Court Clinic may assist with some family court matters involving restraining orders, divorce, custody, visitations, and adoptions. You may reach that office at 973-642-8700, 973-761-9000 ext. 8700 or email at
Criminal Issues/Motor Vehicle Offenses
Adults or juveniles charged with a criminal offense, whether they have a disability or not, may seek legal representation for the charges.
If you cannot afford a private attorney to represent you, you should contact the Office of the Public Defender in your county. You may find the contact information for your county, as well as the various services they provide, and information on billing:
- NJ Office of the Public Defender, Head Office 609-292-7087. For the county where you reside visit their website at
- For names of private attorneys, you may contact the NJ County Bar Association, Lawyers Referral Service. You may find the contact information for your county by visiting their website at
Seton Hall Center for Social Justice- Criminal Justice Clinic may offer some direct representation in criminal matters. You may reach that office at 973-642-8700, 973-761-9000 ext. 8700 or email at
Disability Rights NJ promotes self-determination for people with disabilities and does not aid in obtaining guardianship. However, Disability Rights NJ has resources related to alternatives to guardianship and supported decision making.
Complaints Against Licensed Professionals
Many professions in NJ are licensed through various professional boards, which fall under the Office of the Attorney General, Division of Consumer Protection. Some of these include the Board of Nursing, Board of Medical Examiners, Board of Cosmetology and many more. You may call that office at 973-504-6200 or 800-242-5846. The following website provides information to file a complaint.