Contact Your Representatives, Today!
Act now, speak out and tell your story!
Now is the time to tell #Congress to #ProtectMedicaid and #voteNO on the budget resolution that will cut a minimum of $880 billion in federal spending that would dramatically reduce Medicaid services for millions of Americans, people with disabilities, and older adults.Tell your #Representative to oppose the budget resolution and any other legislation that would cut Medicaid because people with disabilities will be deeply impacted.
Call 866-426-2631 to reach your member of Congress. Share your story and make your voice heard!
Disability Rights New Jersey
Celebrating 30 years as New Jersey’s designated Protection and Advocacy system under federal law. We advance the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities and promote their self- determination and integration in all facets of community life.
Make a Donation Protect Medicaid View Our 2024-2026 Goals and ObjectivesSpotlight

Featured Resource
Visit Our Protect Medicaid page for our video, advocacy resources, action alert, photos and more!
Protect Medicaid
Featured Event
Registration is Now Open for the 2025 Classroom to Careers: Transition Services and Vocational Rehabilitation Conference with Keynote Speaker Dr. Charyl Yarbrough, NJ Assistant Commissioner for Department of Labor and Acting Executive Director of Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Event Information
Featured Project
Help us Fight to Protect Medicaid and educate lawmakers on the importance of Medicaid funding. Support this initiative with the purchase of a shirt or sweatshirt, today!
DRNJ Brand ShopSelf-Advocacy Resource Center

Disability Rights New Jersey empowers people with disabilities to develop self-advocacy skills and stay informed about their rights with the creation of a robust collection tools and resources.
Within the Self-Advocacy Resource Center you’ll find frequently asked about topics that include links to webinar recordings, presentation slides, fact sheets, sample documents, how-to guides, and more. The information provided is not a substitute for individualized, fact-specific legal advice.
Find Resources Here
How We Help
Consistent with our federal mandate, Disability Rights NJ is here to provide a wide array of advocacy services for people with disabilities, their families, and other stakeholders:
- We investigate allegations of abuse and neglect to ensure that people with disabilities are safe wherever they receive services.
- We provide legal representation to people with disabilities who have legal issues that fall within our goals and objectives.
- We monitor settings where people with disabilities receive services, including developmental centers, state psychiatric hospitals, group homes, and nursing facilities.
- We provide information and referral to people with disabilities and their families in areas outside our priorities, as well as technical assistance to other stakeholders.
- We engage in outreach, education, and training, with an emphasis on building the expertise and skills of self-advocates.